Antimicrobial agents have a wide range of uses, from healthcare to food services to homeware applications. More than antibacterial products, which only kill bacteria, antimicrobial applications are designed to kill or stop the spread of microorganisms and viruses. Our team is currently developing silver antimicrobial products for healthcare industries and personal use. These contain micronized silver, which may reduce the spread of harmful bacteria and fungus.

Want to learn more about our antimicrobial door handles? Interested in your own product once we’ve lab tested our formula? Casco offers years of technical manufacturing and product development expertise. Submit our wholesale form and our team will get back to you shortly.


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Antimicrobial Definition

An overarching term used to describe a variety of agents, antimicrobial includes disinfectants, antibiotics, and antiseptics. What do all these products have in common? They inhibit microorganism growth, especially that of bacteria or viruses. There are also many non-pharmaceutical examples including silver and copper antimicrobial products.

There are several kinds of antimicrobial products, though they can mainly be divided between:

  1. Antiseptics: Wide-ranging FDA-regulated products used on people.

  2. Antibiotics: FDA-regulated Medication used to reduce or stop infection within the body.

  3. Pesticides: EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) regulated household cleaners that are not designed for human contact, such as bleach.

See our antimicrobial test results

Antimicrobial product lab work

Silver Antimicrobial Applications

Casco Bay Molding has experience designing and manufacturing micronized silver antibacterial products, such as scuba diving mouthpieces. We have happy to provide antimicrobial test results as well. The use of silver in minimizing the risk of infection is common because of its low toxicity. Examples of antimicrobial silver include:

  • Prostheses

  • Surgical appliances

  • Water purification

  • Cardiac applications

  • Catheters

  • Breathing tubes

  • Ionizable silver fabrics

  • Personal care items

Silver's efficacy depends on ion Ag+'s presence and ability to interact with bacteria and fungi, according to Interactions between Skin and Biofunctional Metals. Another study suggests that endotracheal tubes coated in silver may have lower rates of pneumonia. Additionally, some research suggests that catheters that use a silver-allow indwelling may reduce the chances for UTIs (urinary tract infections).

Looking to develop an antimicrobial silver product for a medical device or personal application? As an ISO:13485 certified medical device manufacturer, we are pleased to help you through every step, from product development to manufacturing to fulfillment.

Copper Antimicrobial Applications

Copper is also commonly used as a natural way to combat bacteria spread. Historically, inventions such as pipes and doorknobs were made from copper to reduce the spread of germs.

Results from a clinical trial suggest that copper may reduce the risk of infection by 40% or more. The study found that hospital rooms that replaced commonly used items with antimicrobial copper reduced surface pathogens by 97%.

More research found that copper coatings in hospitals function as self-sanitizing, thus reducing the microbes on commonly used hospital equipment.

Antimicrobial copper and silver are common

Zinc and Killing Bacteria

Another common natural antimicrobial agent is Zinc oxide. One study exposed bacteria, including e-coli, to zinc and titanium nanoparticles for 24 hours. It demonstrated that the above ions may have applications as antimicrobial agents.

How Do These Agents Work?

Micronized agents function by damaging the proteins, cells, and genetic makeup of a microbe. It may also introduce higher oxygen levels, which also damages its internal systems. By depriving a microbe of nutrients, and stunting growth and reproduction, zinc, copper and silver can function as antimicrobial agents.

Antimicrobial Resistance

A larger category that encompasses antibiotic resistance -- the resistance of bacteria and fungi within the human body to antibiotic medications -- antimicrobial resistance means that the germs continue to grow following the introduction of antimicrobial agents.

This happens when a fungus or bacteria is exposed repeatedly to a type of antibiotics, for instance, and adapts to survive.

10 Antimicrobial Products

Casco Bay Molding has the capability to manufacture a variety of products that may diminish the presence of bacteria and fungi on their surfaces. These include:

  1. Medical devices including (but not limited to):

    1. Surgical applications

    2. Cardiac applications

    3. Prostheses

    4. Breathing tubes (ex: CPAP components)

    5. Catheters

  2. Food Services equipment

  3. Personal care items

  4. Household items

  5. Recreational items such as scuba diving equipment

Our expertise lies in technically challenging healthcare applications that require intensive quality control, ISO 13485 certification, and silicone manufacturing know-how.